401(k) Plan Fiduciary

I deliver a total service package that addresses all the employer’s needs. 

I am a fiduciary to 401(k) and 403(b) plans and handle all the fiduciary responsibilities:

  • Fund selection
  • Ongoing quarterly monitoring of funds
  • Fee benchmarking
  • Compliance oversight
  • Plan design

More importantly, I become the employees’ personal investment adviser.  I meet with them, one on one and explain the plan with personality and expertise.  I advise employees on how much to save and where to invest, initially and on an ongoing basis.  I create customized, personalized illustrations and projections to clearly illustrate the benefits of saving and saving more.

My goals for employees:

  • Join the plan at a reasonable savings rate
  • Invest in a risk appropriate asset allocation portfolio
  • Increase their savings rate on a regular basis

I address a myriad of employees’ needs:

  • Investment advice 
  • Savings plan
  • Investment education 
  • Retirement planning
  • Financial wellness
  • Transitioning to retirement